media monarchy episode244
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- Publication date
- 2011-12-23
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- CC0 1.0 Universal
- Topics
- alternative news, cyber/space\war, food world order, holy hexes, media monarchy, mp3, podcast, portland, pra, revere radio, zero point radio,
- Item Size
- 344.0M

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and a huge thanks to free radio olympia, berkeley liberation radio, ground zero radio, one sky radio & others for rebroadcasting the show...
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previous: episode243
media monarchy:
episode244 - december 23, 2011 | | | | | | | | |
harvey danger 'sometimes you have to work on christmas (sometimes)' (audio)
interview w/ morgan lesko of
new world next week: episode096 -
korean war, manning up, funding terror
Story #1: The Changing Face of Pyongyang - Hereditary Succession Under Close Scrutiny of Elite US Policy Makers
Related: Kim Jong-il Is Dead, Long Live Kim Jong-un!
Update: South Korean Intelligence Disputes Circumstances of Kim Jong-il's Death
NWNW Flashback: 2010 Prediction of Kim Jong Il's Death
Story #2: Manning Opts Not to Testify In WikiLeaks Hearing
Related: Investigators Show Evidence of WikiLeaks Link
Sibel Edmonds - Revisiting My Silence on WikiLeaks
Story #3: US Troops Guarded Terrorist Camp in Iraq
Video Flashback: Anti-Iran Terrorist Confession - Jundollah Leader Abdolmalek Rigi
Video Update: The Manas Question - Drugs, Revolution & Terrorism on the Road to Afghanistan
corbett report: episode213 - revisiting psychopathy
the latest corbett report videos:
BREAKING: US Troops Deploying on Jordan-Syria Border
Spotlight: Kazakhstan – Geostrategy on the New Silk Road
NATO troops on Syrian border – James Corbett on RT
End of Nations: Canada, the US and the “Security Perimeter”
the latest corbett report interviews:
Interview 431 – Bob Chapman, Interview 432 – Cynthia McKinney, Interview 433 – Michel Chossudovsky, Interview 434 – Donna Laframboise, Interview 436 – Rick Rozoff
ground zero: last rites, last christmas
last rites
cytogeneticide: plausible deniability & the final solution
gnome for the holidays
last christmas
der krampen: the return of satan's claws
kim jong il is dead, long live kim jong un!
video: north korean leader kim jong-il dies (audio w/ sofa surfers)
north korea's longtime leader & cult of personality dead at 69
young heir faces uncertain transition in north korea
north korea's neighbors on alert, west hopes for opening
israel hopes death of n. korea leader will damage ties with iran
video: kim jong-il is dead (audio w/ death in vegas)
related geopolitiks/warwhores updates:
syria death toll mounts despite peace moves
nato blames 'bad maps' for drone strike that killed 24 pakistani troops
US jets enter iranian airspace, oil depot bombed
update: don't trust the media
video: iran announces military exercise after panetta refuses to rule out attack (audio)
US formally declares end of iraq war; baghdad explosions kill at least 63
iraq's garbage holds reminders of a US massacre
8 soldiers charged in death of new york pvt. danny chen in afghanistan
owners launch lawsuit after bomb-sniffing dogs bound for afghanistan are left to die at US airport
world leaders bid farewell to vaclav havel
world leaders pay respects to czech playwright, president
signs point to economic rise at end of 2011, but experts see false dawn
video: house reaches deal to extend payroll tax cut (audio)
related econocrash updates:
getting worse: 40 ways america is in decline
economy contributes to slowest population growth rate since 1940s
video: automaker saab files for bankruptcy in sweden (audio)
police state updates: contracts, stockpiles & predictions
company lobbied for ndaa, gets $23m contract for equipment
related updates:
n. dakota police stockpile high-tech, combat-ready gear
video: louisiana state officials call for troops on streets (audio w/ four tet)
gerald celente's dire predictions for 2012
12/22 newspurge: sometimes you have to work on christmas
japan pm says fukushima nuclear site finally stabilised
video: 'statistically meaningful increase' in west coast cancer from fukushima (audio w/ dosh)
philippines sends coffins, flood toll nears 1000 dead; president declares 'state of national calamity'
river in china turns red; illegal workshop dumps dye in pipe network
drought has killed up to 10% of texas woodland trees
congress overturns incandescent light bulb ban
video: 'brain-eating amoeba' deaths linked to tap water use in neti pots
video: second death from amoeba prompts louisiana warning (audio w/ thievery corporation)
drug war's focus turns to pharmaceuticals
fda approves trials of anti-aids vaccine
video: chicago bears' sam hurd busted in drug distro ring (audio w/ rjd2)
from mind control to superstardom: lady gaga's "marry the night"
esoteric meaning of florence + the machine's videos
britney spears' ex on her new engagement: "it's fake...she marries her handler...she always has someone controlling her"
netflix ceo hastings' yearly stock option allowance cut by half for 2012
ralph macdonald, of grammy winning 'just the two of us', dies at 67
5 dead as plane crashes on jersey interstate
new details emerge in doomed flight that killed 5 in morris county
debris recovery resumes in crash that killed greenhill managers
healthy two-headed baby born in brazil
obamessiah updates:
ron paul could win in iowa, chances of gop nom still slim
video: ron paul battles media over 'racist' newsletters (audio w/ el-p)
oregon oddities:
nikeleaks: how oregon's top company fights corruption, counterfeiting & croatian smugglers
nikeleaks cables: explore wikileaks cables about nike
wv worry:
mothman & the 44th anniversary of silver bridge collapse
silver bridge tragedy 44yrs later
flashback: west virginia town remembers silver bridge disaster
caetano veloso 'in the hot sun of a christmas day' (audio)
scientists conclude no scientific explanation for shroud of turin
vatican goes high-tech to preserve fragile ancient tomes
pope benedict peace message calls for wealth redistribution
institutional dutch catholic abuse 'affected thousands'
video: tens of thousands of children sexually abused by dutch catholic church (audio w/ harmonic33)
mcqueary: whistleblower and whipping boy in penn st scandal
what mcqueary and others said at friday hearing
associated press: penn st scandal - 2011 #1 sports story
bernie fine scandal update: 3rd accuser pleads guilty to child sex abuse
wewelsburg: grail castle of nazi regime
menorahs lighted in new york, nation's capital
video: meaning of chanukah (audio)
winter solstice 2011: pagan celebrations mark shortest day of the year
update: solstice means 'illumination' at california mission
welcome the winter solstice & turn toward the light
video: earth's northern half plunged into darkness by axial tilt! will the sunlight ever return?
12/22 defcon: planets, tweets & patents
2 earth-size planets discovered orbiting star
darpa's new spy satellite could provide real-time video from anywhere on earth
taliban, US military waging war via twitter: report
twitter use by shabab in somalia incites US
apple wins partial victory on patent claim over android
gps spoofing secret to capture of cia sentinel drone
corbett report radio #22: false flag scenario - drone attack on US soil
tgfs: terrestrial gamma-ray flashes
ufo encounters live
weekend retrovision: cosmos with carl sagan
'Cosmos' on @NavigateNetflix
bradley manning case: investigators show evidence of wikileaks link
video: manning/assange link found? (audio w/ david mccallum)
US food aid for north korea would bring nuclear talks a step closer
in georgia, pecan thieves find windfall, at $1.50 a pound
hawkdogg 'crank dat pecan' (audio)
fast-food outlet stirs concerns in a mecca of healthy living
giving salty food to babies may create a lifelong preference
12/22 binge & purge: balls, falls, crackdowns & food carts
2011 in food: less gluten, more kale & schweddy balls
the good food news of 2011
food inflation falls to 4yr low of 1.81% in india
cardamom auctions to resume in india on dec26
feds claim food is safer
fbi: activists investigating factory farms can be terrorists
frito-lay sued for labeling gmo snacks as 'all natural'
monsanto launches phony 'gmo co-existence' protests
san fran food truck rules don't hit the spot
food truck operators call dc's parking-meter crackdown unfair
video: dc cracks down on food truck parking (audio)
food & beverage companies hedge fund managers love
flame retardant chemical found in US soft drinks
how coca-cola shaped the modern-day santa
food world order on corbett report radio - dec15
sloan '12 days of christmas' (audio)
(all bed music by deceptikon, doves & twilight circus dub unless otherwise noted)
- Addeddate
- 2011-12-24 01:08:36
- External_metadata_update
- 2019-03-28T00:16:21Z
- Identifier
- MediaMonarchyEpisode244
- Run time
- 1:59:56
- Source
- Taped by
- Year
- 2011
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